Culinary Trends

Top 10 Culinary Trends for 2024

The culinary world is undergoing significant change as 2024 approaches. New trends are emerging, influencing how we view, consume, and enjoy food. In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 culinary trends making waves. These trends touch on everything from key ingredients to sustainable practices and the demand for clear product information.

Ingredients: Taking the Spotlight

In the dynamic world of cooking, ingredients are now front and center. Companies are tapping into consumers’ growing interest in key ingredients. This is seen in the fact that one out of every three consumers regularly reads through ingredient lists. The focus, notably, is on proteins, which 42% of consumers highly value.

Brands are meeting this interest by using bold storytelling and visuals on their packaging. They employ everything from vibrant images of produce to claims about the health benefits. All these strategies help consumers navigate through a sea of choices. They also work to underline the exceptional quality of a product’s essential elements.

Protein: The Powerhouse Ingredient

Protein has emerged as a top priority for consumers. Over 6% of the latest food and drink items tout their high protein content or source of protein. This figure has increased since 2019, showing a growing preference for protein-enhanced items.

Of interesting note is the surge in products featuring plant-based proteins. This trend reflects a significant interest in sustainable, health-focused options among consumers. Also, ingredients known for their functional benefits, such as lion’s mane and reishi mushrooms, are rapidly growing in popularity. These items offer additional health boosts, like stress reduction and immune support.

Ingredient Storytelling and Transparency

Consumer interest in ingredient transparency and health is at an all-time high. A third of buyers check labels regularly for health and sustainability information. In response, food brands are ramping up their storytelling efforts, sharing ingredient journeys on digital platforms. This strategy capitalizes on the rising influence of online food culture, especially among the youth.

Moreover, there is a growing preference for locally sourced and sustainable ingredients, coming second only to freshness. The ‘local goes global’ movement is gaining traction. It urges manufacturers to use regional ingredients to offer more authentic and unique flavors. This move not only meets consumer preferences but also supports sustainable practices.

Nurturing Nature

Consumers today want companies to take real steps for nature protection, going beyond just saying they are sustainable. The top choice for companies’ efforts on the environment is protecting nature. This demand from consumers has spurred a significant increase in products tied to forest and water protection.

In the past few years, the market for food and drinks with a focus on protecting forests has grown by 37%. For items that highlight water use, the growth is even more impressive, at 40%. Companies are also adopting sustainable farming methods, including agrobiodiversity. This move aims to meet consumer expectations for products that are both environmentally friendly and actively protect nature.

Environmental Claim Growth Rate (2020-2023)
Forest Protection 37% increase
Water Usage 40% increase

Sustainability and nature protection are becoming key factors in how consumers choose products. They are looking for brands that share these values. As a result, we see more claims on food and beverage items about environmental efforts. This change reflects companies’ efforts to align with their customers’ desire for positive environmental contributions.

Prioritizing Prevention

Consumers today are actively preventing health issues by choosing products that cater to their well-being. One in three consumers consider themselves proactive. Weight management, heart health, and bone and joint health are top priorities. Products like Beeza Peanut Butter, designed to aid in weight management and boost heart health, are gaining popularity.

Preventive health has become a global focus, deemed essential by over half of customers. Foods and beverages serve as the main medium for health improvement. Notably, product launches focusing on health benefits have surged since 2020. The majority of these new launches originate from West Europe, Asia, and North America. Africa and Asia show the highest increase in new health-focused products, marking a worldwide trend towards prevention.

Consumers are searching for products that meet their wellness needs, particularly those supporting immune, mental, and overall health. Products featuring vitamins, minerals, collagen, hemp seed oil, and probiotics are promoting their functional benefits. With a growing understanding of preventive health post-COVID-19, the demand for innovative wellness items is predicted to grow significantly.

Prioritizing Personal Wellbeing

Consumers are becoming more proactive about their health, focusing on weight, heart, and bone-joint health. Brands are stepping up with products like Beeza Peanut Butter to meet these health goals.

  • Over one-third of consumers claim to be proactive in preventing health issues
  • Weight management, heart health, and bone and joint health are top consumers’ physical health concerns
  • Functional health claims on food and beverage products are increasing, with two-thirds of these in select regions
  • New products with health-specific claims are quickly multiplying in Africa and Asia
Expanding Wellness Solutions

Consumers are demanding holistic health solutions, driving the inclusion of immune, mental, and overall health support in products. Key ingredients like vitamins, minerals, collagen, hemp seed oil, and probiotics are being highlighted. This reflects a growing desire for products that support multifaceted well-being.

  1. Over half of consumers worldwide view foods and drinks as crucial for health improvement
  2. Claims supporting immune, mental, and holistic wellness are on the rise
  3. Post-pandemic, there is a heightened focus on preventive health, spurring interest in wellness products

Plant Based: The Rise of Applied Offerings

Plant Based Culinary Trends

In 2024, the plant-based trend has progressed, leading to increased acceptance among consumers. They now include plant-based items in their usual dishes. This change provides a sense of comfort for those intrigued by the plant-based trends. Recent reports show that over half of the global population considers familiar culinary formats crucial when buying plant-based goods.

Finger foods and ready-made meals are the top choices in the plant-based foods category. They have both gained popularity over the years. When presented in familiar ways, such as in these formats, plant-based meat and poultry items become more appealing. This clearly highlights a trend in consumer behavior, preferring a smooth transition from traditional to plant-based options.

Embracing Familiarity

The growth of the plant-based market underscores the significance of familiar formats to brands. Incorporating these alternatives into well-loved dishes and snacks grants ease and familiarity. This makes it simpler for consumers to add such products to their daily diets.

Products like plant-based burgers, nuggets, dairy-free ice creams, and cheese have shown critical advancements when they resemble what consumers are accustomed to. This not only meets consumer demands but also works towards making plant-based options a norm in the market.

Local Goes Global

The culinary world is changing fast. Local ingredients and foreign tastes from afar are reaching every corner. People are eager to try new foods, leading to a 13% jump in African dishes and a 5% increase in East Asian meals. This change shows a deep interest in diverse culinary delights.

At the same time, consumers are choosing products that are close to home. They want food that is made with local ingredients and with clear, honest lists of what’s inside. Over half of buyers specifically seek out local items. This quest for authenticity and a connection to local food traditions is powerful in today’s interconnected world.

Embracing Local Flavors Globally
  • Everyday meals now feature exotic flavors, thanks to our more connected world and the growing love for global cuisines.
  • Unique tastes like harissa and yuzu are becoming more popular, just like sriracha and ginger have been in recent times.
  • Using ingredients from close by is becoming a highlighted trend, supporting smaller brands and local communities.
  • Big brands are adapting, too, such as Pringles in Japan using local soy sauce to make their snacks more appealing.
Transparency and Authenticity Matter
  1. There’s a big push for food with clear, honest labels, showing what’s inside. Authenticity and traceability are key for shoppers.
  2. The COVID-19 outbreak has made people care even more about safe, natural ingredients, underlining the need for clear ingredient information.
  3. Partnerships between chefs, influencers, and food brands can help make new foods more popular, as authenticity is sought after by consumers.

As our world grows closer, we see local and global foods merging into something new. Consumers love this blend, looking for items that honor both local traditions and worldwide cuisines. They want their food choices to be open and honest.

Metric Value
Rise in African cuisine products in the past 5 years 13%
Rise in East Asian cuisine products in the past 5 years 5%
Consumers who look for local ingredients when making purchasing decisions Over 50%
Successful international expansions in the food industry that involve understanding and adapting to local tastes and preferences 88.21%
Consumers who prioritize authenticity when connecting with food products and the people behind them 92.67%

Culinary Trends

The home has become a popular setting for meaningful social events. This shift is fueled by a desire for affordable and healthy food at home. Recent data shows that 43% of people ate more at home this past year, while only 15% increased their dining out.

This change reflects our adapting lifestyles and financial situations. It speaks to a broader trend where home cooking takes center stage, showing the evolution in how we approach dining.

Valuing Value and Wellbeing

For many, eating at home signifies both value and health. More and more, households are focusing on making nutritious meals that fit their wellness plans. They prefer controlling what goes into their food, from ingredients to portion sizes.

This is a significant step away from the often lavish, but not always healthy, meals purchased outside. The cooking-at-home trend also encourages exploring new flavors and techniques. It aims to match, or even surpass, the quality of meals found in restaurants.

Elevating the Everyday

Our homes are now at the center of memorable social gatherings. People want to enjoy the feel of eating out without sacrificing the benefits of home dining. This has inspired everything from cozy get-togethers to elaborate themed meals hosted at home.

Additionally, a new culinary trend is blossoming on social media. Known as “Instagram cuisine,” it showcases the talents and innovations of home chefs. This trend inspires a wider audience to be more creative and adventurous in their cooking.

The separation between dining at home and dining out is fading. More and more, people are choosing the comfort of their homes for quality meals made with care. With a focus on value, health, and enjoyable moments, the trend of home cooking is leading a meaningful shift in how we appreciate food.

Home Kitchen Heroes

Consumers are diving into the world of cooking, trying out more at home. The increase in home cooking experiments, flavor innovation, and creative recipes is a key trend for 2024. This trend shows no signs of slowing down.

Experts say that three out of five people enjoy experimenting with new flavors in their recipes. This change is driven by the desire for unique food experiences. People are eager to move beyond their usual meals.

Unleashing Creativity in the Kitchen

Home chefs are mixing and matching foods and flavors to find new tastes. This drive for flavor innovation shows in their dishes. They’re not afraid to try unique combinations.

The popularity of DIY gourmet meal kits is soaring, offering fine dining at home. These kits let you cook like a pro with creative recipes. They are changing the way we think about home cooking.

Today, the kitchen is where social gatherings happen. People are looking for both value and health benefits in their meals. New trends include functional beverages, eco-friendly practices, and spicy condiments. These items make daily meals more exciting.

Indulging in Health

In today’s dynamic food scene, the dichotomy between health and indulgence is fading fast. No longer are consumers ready to sacrifice taste or joy for better health. They now clamor for products that blend the appeal of indulgence with health and wellness advantages.

This shift is clear as health-conscious brands explore indulgence territory and classic indulgences are infused with health benefits. A survey showed that more than two-thirds of consumers worldwide actively seek out food and drinks offering a mix of pleasure and well-being, indicating a clear desire for both aspects.

Bridging the Health-Indulgence Gap

The market is seeing a rise in products boasting both indulgence and health, such as Loacker Quadratini Chocolate Wafers and Joya Chocolate. These items come with sugar reductions, natural sweetener absences, or added fibers, all designed to meet evolving consumer expectations. The number of such offerings has increased by 14% in the last five years.

Notably, sectors like confectionery and snacks are witnessing remarkable shifts. Sugar-free chocolate market share in the US has grown significantly, and a fifth of chocolate launches in the UK now emphasize vegan or plant-based credentials. Luker Chocolate reports increased interest in “healthy” chocolate that doesn’t compromise on taste.

Embracing the Symbiotic Life

The intertwining of joy and consciousness gave birth to the “Living a Symbiotic Life” trend. Consumers are pursuing three types of indulgence: Intense for celebration, Healthy for awareness, and Mindful for a holistic lifestyle. This nuanced approach, prioritizing personal health and the greater community, fuels the demand for balanced products.

As consumer preferences evolve, the industry faces significant opportunities. Brands that find the right balance between health and indulgence, offering products that fulfill the need for both functionality and well-being, are poised for success.

Attribute Percentage of Consumers
Indulgence is the most important attribute of afternoon snacks 32%
Indulgence is the most important attribute of evening snacks 36%
Indulgence is the most important attribute of late-night snacks 35%
Healthiness is the second most important attribute for afternoon, evening, and late-night snacks 30%, 29%, and 24% respectively
Consumers who find a snack indulgent if it is tasty yet healthy 39%

Oceans of Possibilities

The world is now more than ever focused on creating sustainable food systems. This drive is turning our eyes towards the oceans. Here, new and eco-friendly ingredients are found, drawing interest from both consumers and producers.

Tapping into Marine Marvels

Kelp and spirulina are just two examples of what’s gaining interest. They offer great nutrition and are eco-friendly. The use of such ocean-derived ingredients has significantly increased in recent years. There was a 42% increase between 2020 and 2023 in their use.

Seafood Sustainability in the Spotlight

The focus on sustainable seafood is also growing. People are looking for products with certifications promoting responsible practices. These include certifications from the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and Friend of the Sea. This shows how consumer values are influencing their buying choices.

The oceans show great potential for our future food needs, with vast amounts of sustainable and innovative solutions. As people demand more eco-friendly and nutritious products, the culinary sector is exploring the ocean’s bounty further.

H2.O: Quenching the Future

The hydration category is on the brink of a promising future. Innovative products with added health benefits and renowned endorsements are grabbing consumers’ attention. This surge in demand for functional water and cutting-edge sports drinks marks the hydration market for imminent significant growth.

Hydration Trends Driving the Future

Soft drinks and sports nutrition launches proclaiming hydration benefits have surged over the last three years. This increase in products with unique features like 9-stage ultra purification, ionic charging, and pH9.5+ alkaline water indicates a growing consumer preference for health-conscious hydration options.

Functional health claims are key factors driving hydration product developments. Products like Core Hydration+ are introducing exclusive advantages, such as enhanced skin health. These initiatives reflect the industry’s dedication to providing specialized wellness solutions through beverages.

Sports Drink Innovation Quenches Thirst

The sports drink category is at the forefront of the hydration trend. Brands are integrating health-focused claims and innovative formulations, meeting the changing needs of athletes and active individuals. The range now includes electrolyte-infused waters and protein-enhanced recovery beverages, designed to meet specific performance and health requirements.

Hydration Trend Key Features Benefits to Consumers
Ultra-purified Water 9-stage filtration, ionic charging, alkaline pH Improved purity, enhanced hydration, and pH balance
Functional Health Claims Skin health, immunity support, energy boost Personalized wellness benefits beyond basic hydration
Sports Drink Innovation Electrolyte-infused waters, protein-enhanced recovery Targeted hydration solutions for active lifestyles

With a growing focus on health and personalized consumption, the future of the hydration sector is ripe with diverse, innovative products. These aim to satisfy the evolving needs and preferences of health-conscious consumers.

Minimizing the Noise

In today’s world, there is a flood of information. This makes simplicity and honesty from brands highly valued. Customers yearn for clear and open communication, desiring to escape the overload of product details, labels, and marketing claims.

Simplification Desired

Customers want easy-to-understand product details in four main areas. These include brand overview, shelf-life, product storytelling, and sustainability facts. Meeting these needs leads to a clearer and more enjoyable shopping experience.

Addressing Greenwashing Concerns

Greenwashing, deceptive eco-claims, concerns a growing number of people. Half the consumers fear this practice, yet over half can’t spot it. It’s critical for brands to tackle this issue. They should provide straightforward information to earn trust and show their true dedication to environmental causes.


What are the top culinary trends shaping the global food and beverage industry in 2024?

In 2024, the industry sees key ingredients’ rising value and a strong focus on sustainability. Nature protection is crucial, with consumers keen on preventing health issues. The popularity of plant-based foods in common forms is growing, as is using local and global ingredients. The home is now a favorite spot for social gatherings. Flavors in home-cooked dishes are more diverse, and health and pleasure aspects are often integrated. Sea-based ingredients and clear product details are also in demand now.

How are companies leveraging positive consumer attitudes toward key ingredients?

Companies engage consumers with compelling stories and visuals. This includes highlighting the primary ingredients through art. Protein stands out, being vital for 42% of consumers.

What are consumers expecting from companies regarding environmental responsibility?

Consumers demand companies do more for the environment, beyond mere sustainability. They want tangible steps for nature protection. Claims of forest and water protection on products have noticeably increased.

How are consumers taking proactive steps to prevent health concerns?

Over a third of consumers actively work to prevent health issues. Concern for weight, heart, and bone/joint health is high. This proactive mindset is driving demand for specialized products.

How are plant-based products being integrated into familiar dishes and formats?

Half the customers see value in traditional culinary styles for plant-based items. Foods like finger foods and meals-to-go have gained popularity. This trend has notably surged over the last three years.

What trends are we seeing in the globalization of local ingredients and cuisines?

Two-thirds are game to try new global dishes, boosting interest in both African and East Asian cuisine. Also, more than half want products with local ingredients. This shows a significant preference for locally sourced items.

How has the home become an alternative venue for enhanced social occasions?

In the last year, 43% ate at home more, with just 15% dining out more. Most prefer home meals for their value and health benefits. Eating in is now a top choice for many.

What trends are we seeing in home cooking and flavor experimentation?

Cooking at home involves mixing popular foods and flavors creatively. Sixty-two percent of experts see this as a growing trend for 2024. The exploration of new culinary combinations is becoming a favorite hobby.

How are health and indulgence becoming more enmeshed?

Over half of global consumers value both health and indulgence. They seek a balance between tasty and nutritious foods. Products combining indulgence with health benefits have grown by 14% in five years.

What new ingredient sources are emerging from the oceans?

Ingredients like kelp and spirulina are gaining ground, with a 42% increase in microalgae-based products. Seafood, too, demonstrates its eco-friendliness. Such products highlight the sustainable future of the food industry.

How are hydration products carving out a strong future?

Their growth is evident, with a 10% rise in drinks and nutrition items focusing on hydration. Products tout benefits like 9-stage purified water and alkaline content. They’re leading the way with health-enhancing claims.

What kind of product information do consumers want to see simplified?

Consumers are overwhelmed by the amount of complex information on products. They request a clearer, simpler approach. The top desired simplifications on packaging include brand details, shelf life, product stories, and sustainability features.